Decameron 2.0
Awards: Honorable Mention - The Robert Coover Award for a Work of Electronic Literature 2023.
Exhibitions: Toronto Metropolitan University RUBIX Catalyst, Jan 27, 2022
Electronic Literature Association Conference and Media Arts Festival, Como Italy, May 30-June 1, 2022
ICIDS: International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling in Kobe, Japan, November 2023
PhiloSOPHIA at Mount Royal University in Calgary March 2024.
Description: The Decameron 2.0 (2022) is an interactive explorable web-based world that takes its cue from Giovanni Boccaccio's medieval narrative set in Florence during the Black Plague. Featuring 100 co-created poetic thought experiments, it offers an audio, video, and textual living archive of life during the pandemic that centers women's experience.
ENTER the Decameron 2.0 here using a wifi-connected laptop or desktop.